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Q: Was proportion representation in the New Jersey plan?
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This state's plan called for a one house legislature with equal representation from all of the states?

Type your answer here.Which plan called for two houses in the legislature, one where states would have equal representation and one where representation would be in proportion to population..

What plan offered the constitutional convention a proposal for representation?

The New Jersey Plan.

What plan thought of equal representation?

the new jersey plan

What is different between the Virginia and New Jersey plan?

The New Jersey Plan was a proposal to have representation in Congress be equal for every state. In the Virginia Plan, representation was determined by population.

What representation is based on senate?

New Jersey plan

How was the representation determined for the New Jersey plan?


How do you use 'representation' in a sentence?

The equal representation was created by The New Jersey Plan.

How do you use equal representation in a sentence?

The equal representation was created by The New Jersey Plan.

The plan proposed by New Jersey for a unicameral legislature with equal representation of states regardless of size and population?

New Jersey plan

What was the plan that gave smaller states equal representation with larger states?

The New Jersey plan called for equal representation in congress, while the Virginia plan called for representation by population. The Connecticut Compromise eventually won out, with congress as it is today.

Which of these is a plan that offered the Constitutional Convention a proposal for representation?

The New Jersey Plan

What plan called for equal representation in congress?

The New Jersey Plan suggested that the states should have an equal number of representitives. The Virginia Plan said the the number of representatives should be based on the state's population. Roger Sherman proposed that the Senate would have an equal number of representatives and the House of Representatives would have one representative for every 30,000 residents. This plan satisfied all of the states and became known as the Great Compromise.