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There where rumors, most black people believed it and quit buying troop clothing. Sense 95% of troop was bought by black they went out if business. Even if they where false, people still didn't want to associate with troop.

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Q: Was rumor about troop being owned by KKK?
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What ever happened to troop gym shoes from the late 80's and 90's?

went out of business due to continuous allegations that they were made by a company owned/run by kkk.

Is stone mountain owned by the KKK?

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What is a clavern?

A clavern is a troop of the KKK, like a boy scout troop and is numbered. Clavern 18 operates around Abilene Texas, and clavern 18 and 88 operate in Louisiana. I am not a racist or kkk member, I just know this stuff.

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It is owned by Popeye's Fried Chicken

What actions were members of the KKK noted for?

unfortunately being resist towards black people, they were a white supremest group who burned down black owned churches and killed black people on the street

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kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk kkk

Did the KKK ever target Mormons you have seen many different answers so you have no Idea?

Yes, the KKK did target Mormons in the Southern United States. There are several events described in various journals and newspapers. It is thought that the KKK started the rumor that Mormons have horns (due to Elder J. Golden Kimball telling them so in an attempt to scare them) and contributed to the rumor that Mormonism is very secretive (because meetings and services were often held secretly at night to avoid harrassment).

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to enforce not being jewish and black

What does KKK-a-1822 stand for?

This is the Federal Specifications that Ambulances must adhere to when being built. Current Spec is KKK-A-1822F

Was Babe Ruth part of the KKK?

No. He did however stop a bill, being pushed heavily by the KKK, from going through in Washington state. How, I don't know.

How would a man being hunted by the KKK be different for his wife and children?

it would be differnt for his wife and kids because he would be gone all the time hideing from the kkk and his family wont have someone to protect them and they could get cuaght by the kkk to