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Yes not in the Emancipation Proclamation which freed most slaves but The thirteenth amendment finalized making slavery illegal in the United States in 1865. Abraham Lincoln strongly passed that.

It is more accurate to say that the ownership of slaves only among the general public was outlawed in 1865; it is still legal for the Government to enslave its prisoners who are found guilty after due process of the law.

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Q: Was slavery made illegal throughout the US?
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Who made slavery illegal in the us?

Abraham Lincoln

If slavery was made illegal why did people still bring slaves into the US?

Slavery was made illegal by the 13th amendment during the civil war. Before slavery was made illegal people were still allowed to bring slaves into the country.

When did the us bans import slaves?

The 13th amendment to the US Constitution in 1865 made slavery illegal.

Is it true that most slaves had been born in the US?

This is true in the later years of slavery in the US. Importation of slaves was made illegal in 1808.

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Where have you been slavery is illegal unless you talking about sex slaves

What happened in 1808 with slavery?

In 1808 the US made it illegal to import slaves from Africa.

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It is just as illegal as child porn throughout the US.

What reason did the Emancipation Proclamation abolish slavery?

It did not abolish slavery. It freed slaves in those states which had not rejoined the Union by January 1, 1863. It also did not free slaves in the border states. Abolishing slavery would indicate that slavery had ended, and would imply that it was illegal. The document, which ended, abolished and made slavery illegal was the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution. The 13th Amendment was ratified and made part of the US Constitution and binding on all states, on December 6, 1865.

The 13th amendment did what?

it abolished slavery throughout the whole US.

What did The Missouri Compromise say about slavery?

The Missouri Compromise made slavery illegal in much of the US, except for the state of Missouri. Some people believe that this made the Civil War erupt later than it would have without the compromise.

What ended slavery throughout US?

The thirteenth amendment and the Emancipation Proclamation.

How was slavery throughout the US was permanently abolished by?

15 th amendment