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No, I think the Pilgrims were fed.

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Q: Was swan served at the first Thanksgiving?
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Who served the turkey on the first thanksgiving?

Pilgrims served the wild turkeys on first Thanksgiving.

What do they eat at first Thanksgiving?

There is not a record of what exactly was served, but we do know that there was wild bird served, and that the Native American guests brought deer to share. Lobster, swan, and seal were also on the menu.

How many deer did they served at the first Thanksgiving?

Seven...exactly seven deer were served at the first Thanksgiving.

What was the main dish served at the first Thanksgiving?

Turkey was most likely served at the first Thanksgiving because it was a bird of the new world. Other ripe crops like corn were also at the firs thanksgiving. Typically, any food that represent the "New World" woudl be served at hte firs Thanksgiving.

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Were pumpkins served at the first Thanksgiving?

yes,i think so

How many turkeys served at the first thanksgiving?

4 wild turkeys

What is the difference between the first Thanksgiving turkey and your Thanksgiving turkey?

We have turkey seasoning and fancy ovens and they did not. Also, turkeys today are raised on farms. The turkeys served at the first Thanksgiving were wild.

NOT recorded as being served at the first Thanksgiving?

Asparagus and Arctic roll served in white sauce with ice cream

What President served the first thanksgiving in the White House?

James K. Polk