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There is no credible scientific evidence for telekinesis or mental telepathy. Not now, not ever. Plenty of people may disagree, but the skeptical literature is vast.

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Q: Was telekinetic or telepathic known to ancient people and had people such abilities since?
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Can people read or hear what you think?

No, people cannot read or hear what you are thinking. Despite rumored Cold War era Soviet psychic trials, there is no proof of telepathic abilities.

What book or books discusses about telekinetic power of an individual?

I have yet to see a proven telekinetic event. People theorize, but can only get close to what they imagine is real.

Who built the pyramid ancient Egyptians or aliens?

Ancient Egyptians (humans) built the pyramids. Those who say otherwise demean the intelligence, ingenuity, and abilities of people and the Egyptians.

Is there telepathic people in Kansas City?

There is no firm evidence that telepathy is possible anywhere.

What is the difference between telepathic and telekinetic?

Telepathic is the power to communicate to someone / thing use their minds. This can also be used for reading minds.Telekinetic (my favorite!!) is the power to move any object without touching it using their mind.For example, Jean-Grey from the X-men was born with both these powers.

What was the Zealand woman's philosophy in the Chrysalids?

Basically that telepathic people were an improvement on normal people, and savages didn't matter.

In the Chrysalids who are the old people in David's dream?

The old people in David's dream are the Sealand woman and her companions. They symbolize the hope for a future where individuals with telepathic abilities, like David, can live without fear of persecution and discrimination. The dream represents a possibility for a better world where differences are accepted and embraced.

Do you believe you are telepathic?

No, not in real life. You may have seen movies or TV shows in which people appear to read minds or communicate telepathically. But in reality, there is no credible evidence that such things are possible, even if some people want to believe it can be done.

How can we prove that Telepathic Persons excist?

possibly if we found two people who claimed to be telepathic that had never met and asked them questions only one could know if they got them all the same with no predictable patterns in their answers then yes we could prove it.

What percent of people trying to learn telekenesis succeed?

Of the people who have claimed to have telekinetic powers, currently zero percent have had their claims independently verified by neutral and scientific bodies.

Why do people not have telekinetic ability?

Because you can't really use your mind to control physical objects. But, I'm not totally sure, so.. Eh.

What abilities are not being used to the full at present?

our abilities to help other people