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Q: Was the Dnieper dam built through slave labour?
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How was Athens built?

By its citizens, aided by slave labour.

Who built the nazi extermination camps?

They were built by the SS, using slave labour.

Who built the ghettos for the holocaust?

There ghettos were areas of towns already in existence; they were not specially built for the purpose. The only things that were newly built were the perimeter walls, for which the Nazis used local slave labour.

Who built Temple of Solomon?

Like most structures in the ancient world it was built by slave labour drawn from the peoples conquered by the Israelites. It was Solomon's boast that no Jew was forced to labourer on its construction.

Why were the Nazis making the Jews work?

They needed cheap labour, they also forced millions of gentiles into slave or near slave labour.

When was the Temple of Dendera made?

It was made in 125BC to 65BC during the Ptolemaic period with additions built during the Roman period (after 30BC). This is a late period temple which means it was built using slave labour.

Is a migrant worker a slave?

Not quite a slave, but very low on the labour and pay chain.

How did slave owners benefits from slavery?

Slave owners benefited from slavery by exploiting the labor of enslaved individuals to generate significant wealth and economic advantages for themselves. They could also control and dominate the lives of enslaved people, exerting power and maintaining social status within their communities. Additionally, the dehumanization and mistreatment of enslaved individuals allowed slave owners to perpetuate a system of racial superiority that justified their actions and preserved their wealth and privilege.

How did ancient Rome make the Coliseum?

By slave labour.

What do poorer countries export the most?

Slave Labour <3

What is slave society?

A society in which all or part of its labour is done by slaves.

Who build Giza Necropolis?

Egyptian slaves who are forced slave labour