

Was the Greek religion shared with Rome?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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No, though Greek and Roman mythology shared many features, they had differences in rites and rituals. Likewise, the same can be said of Roman Catholicism and Greek Orthodoxy.

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Q: Was the Greek religion shared with Rome?
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What religion was practised in Ancient Rome?

The same as the Greek religion but with different names for their deities and they dedicated offerings and festivals too.

Who ended Greek mythology?

The Christians. As Christianity spread through Rome, the Roman army conquered Greece ,thereby forcing Christianity to be the main religion. However Greek myths are still told and there are people who follow the Greek religion.

How did the Romans view Greek religion?

They saw it as a mirror image of their own religion and adopted many of their gods, only giving them Roman names. An important factor in this was that at the time of Rome's ascendancy , Greek colonies were established all over southern Italy and Sicily. So it was only natural that very early in its development Rome encountered and adopted many aspects of Greek religion.

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Odysseus was the king of Ithaca, (a Greek island and city state) which means he was a Greek hero. In ancient Greek history people shared religion, language, and culture. They believed in the gods who the believed were living on Mount Olympos. The religion in which there are more than one god is called polytheism.

What is the Roman's religon?

They started out with a religion copied almost exactly off of the Greek religion, as they lived close to each other when Rome was still just seven palisade villages close together. Later on, Constantine brought the Christian religion with him to the office of emperor, and made it the official religion of Rome.

Was Rome polytheism or monotheism?

ancient Rome's religion was polytheism, as they worshiped many gods.Ancient Rome's religion was polytheism, as they worshiped many gods.Ancient Rome's religion was polytheism, as they worshiped many gods.Ancient Rome's religion was polytheism, as they worshiped many gods.Ancient Rome's religion was polytheism, as they worshiped many gods.Ancient Rome's religion was polytheism, as they worshiped many gods.Ancient Rome's religion was polytheism, as they worshiped many gods.Ancient Rome's religion was polytheism, as they worshiped many gods.Ancient Rome's religion was polytheism, as they worshiped many gods.

Where did Rome borrow its ideas for its polytheistic religion from?

Rome did not borrow any ideas for its polytheistic religion. It was polytheistic right from the start. All ancient religions, apart from Judaism, were polytheistic. Rome adopted five Greek divinities and later linked its deities to the Greek ones. She also adopted some Etruscan and Italic deities. However, this was not a borrowing of ideas for their religion. It was the incorporation of foreign divinities and cults in the pantheon of Roman deities and the array of cults.

What did Ancient Greece take from Ancient Rome?

Nothing, Ancient Greece came before Ancient Rome, and actually Ancient Rome took things from Greece, Romans were influenced by Greek religion and some of their architecture.

What is the religon of ancient rome?

The religion of ancient Rome was Roman religion.

What happened to greek mythology why is this religion not practiced anymore?

When Rome conquered Greece in 195 BC it was almost the end of greek mythology. but when it actually ended around 380 AD-400 AD when rome converted to Christianity. The empeor of Rome at the time, Constatine said that all who did not follow Christainity would be banished from Rome's borders forever.

What civilization had the greatest impact in roman religion?

Roman religion was Latin religion with early influences from the Sabines and the Etruscans. The biggest influence was Greek. The seventh king of Rome, who ruled in the late 6th century BC, was said to have bought the Sibylline books from the Sibyllines of Cumae. The Sibyllines were Greek oracles. Some of them lived in the Greek city of Cumae in southern Italy, some 120 miles south of Rome. The Romans adopted five Greek divinities quite early on: Castor and Pullux, Apollo, Asclepius and Cybele (whom they called Magna Mater, Great Mother). They also absorbed many of the myths found in Greek religion. Later they associated their divinities with the Greek divinities.