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Q: Was the Hammurabi written in cuneiform?
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The Hammurabi code was written in what?

In Akkadian language.

Did Hammurabi invent cuneiform?

No he did not invent cuneiform. The writing had been invented for years by the time Hammurabi took the thrown.

Did king Hammurabi write the laws in egyptians?

Actually his laws were written in cuneiform script in the Akkadian language.

What are some of Hammurabi's accomplishments?

Hammurabi invented a well working writing system known as cuneiform

What was form of writing used by Hammurabi's scribes was called?


What medium was used on the stele of Hammurabi?

A form of writing called cuneiform.

What has the author Hammurabi written?

Hammurabi was a Babylonian king known for his Code of Hammurabi, one of the earliest known written legal codes. The code consisted of 282 laws that governed various aspects of Babylonian society, covering topics such as criminal justice, marriage, and commerce.

Was Hammurabi's code written in Sumerian?

The ancient stone which the code was carved into was found in Susa, Iran is inscribed in the Akkadian language, using cuneiform script carved into the stele.

Where did cuneiform from?

Mesopotamia. Hammurabi used cuneiform to communicate with his city-state and with other leaders. He was one of the few kings who knew how to read and write. Cuneiform made communication more efficient, and this benefited to Mesopotamia.

Who made the laws in the code of Hammurabi?

Hammurabi wrote it. He was the ruler of the Babylonian empire from 1795-1750 BC.