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No the Holocaust wasn't part of the civil war. The civil war was over slavery and the holocaust was for World War 2 and the Nazis getting rid of the Jews

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Q: Was the Holocaust part of the Civil War?
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Doctors, lawyers, architects and civil engineers, to name four.

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The English Civil War was in the 17th century.

Did the Russians free Warsaw during the Holocaust?

yes, there is some controversy as they delayed the timing of their attack. It was a military action, as part of the war, not part of the Holocaust.

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The Holocaust was a part of WW2 .

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The US Civil War was an un-declared war; and was a war of rebellion on the part of the south.

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Zionists did not play any part in the Holocaust.

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Yes.Yes It Was

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The 13th amendment had a big part in freeing the slaves. The civil war had a even bigger part

Was the Holocaust before the Middle Ages?

Kept captive and forced to work. Slavery was part of the Holocaust, but the Holocaust was not part of slavery. Slavery has been around for thousands of years, it has been part of most cultures, and all of the larger ones. The Holocaust lasted only a few years and affected only Europe and only a few generations.

Did California do much fighting in the civil war?

California is on the west coast and was not a part of the civil war.