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No, it was written by Catholics, or,more appropriately, by the Christians of the period, and was testament about Jesus Christ. It was divinely inspired and written for all and not against anyone.


Catholic AnswerIndeed, as noted above, it was written by Catholics in the first 120 years of the Church, which books should be included in the New Testament, and which should not, was decided by the Council of Rome (382 A.D., and the the Pope, at that time, Pope St. Damasus I; a decision which was reiterated by the Council of Trent 1,200 years later. It has been preserved by the Catholic Church all through those centuries. Quite the contrary, a faithful reading of the New Testament is a vindication of the Catholic Church (after all, it is their book) and a condemnation of all the heresies which have claimed to be based on it.
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Q: Was the New Testament against Catholics?
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