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Q: Was the Philippines a Spanish colonies?
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What country had control of Cuba and the Philippines before the US?

Both were Spanish Colonies.

What countries were the scene of battles during the Spanish-American War?

The Spanish colonies of the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Cuba.

The spanish American war gave the US ownership of 3 former spanish colonies what are they?

Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines.

Which two Spanish colonies in the Americas did Spain lose as a result of the Spanish-American War?

As a result of the Spanish-American War Spain lost its colonies of Cuba and Puerto Rico.

Who won the Spanish American War the Philippino or the Spanish?

Span Losses the war and US occupied all the Spanish Colonies including the Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico.

What four colonies was Spain forced to give up in the Spanish-American War?

The Philippines, Guam, Cuba and Puerto Rico.

What is the Spanish Philippines?

It was the Philippines as a Spanish Colony.

After losing the war of 1812 spain ceded its last colonies to the united states?

False. Florida was a Spanish colony until 1821, and Spain maintained overseas colonies in Cuba and the Philippines until the Spanish-American War of 1898.

What area of land did Spain own before the Mexican war?

Just the Iberian Peninsula, the Philippines and some colonies in Northern Africa. By 1846 all Spanish colonies in the Americas were independent.

What country did not come under control as a result of the Spanish American War?

Spain did not give up its African colonies. It lost Cuba and the Philippines.

What was the effect the Spanish War had on Spain?

Spain lost almost all of what was left of its colonies in the Americas, including Cuba, and the Philippines to the United states.

Which countries did the US take over during the Spanish-American War?

The Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico and Cuba which was quickly given it independence.