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We do not know if they are the same.

A simplistic reading of the gospels would tell us that Christianity could not possibly have split into competing sects within little more than twenty years from the crucifixion, in which case they must have been the same.

On the other hand, there are some reasons to believe they might have been from quite different Christian traditions. First, it appears that Emperor Nero expelled the Christians from Rome in the mid-60s, so the people who subsequently re-established Christianity in Rome could have been different individuals, even if their theologies were the same. Secondly, Paul's epistles and the New Testament gospels frequently mention missionaries who taught a different gospel, so it does seem that by the time of Paul Christianity was split into mutually antagonistic sects. The first Roman church need not have been closely connected to the Christians who subsequently produced the New Testament gospels and which we now associate with orthodox Christianity. And we do not know whether the sect that returned to Rome after the death of Nero was the same as the sect that Paul had written to. Third, some of Paul's writings seem at least marginally Gnostic, in which case his teachings were not the precursor of what was to become orthodox Christianity, even if orthodox Christians claimed his inheritance.

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Q: Was the Roman church that Paul wrote to the same as the Catholic church in Rome today?
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