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Yes, It was based off the ideas of Karl Marx and Communism


The second Russian Revolution, the November of Bolshevik Revolution, was to instate communism. The first, the March Revolution, was to force the czar out of power and create a democracy.

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13y ago

i think it was. and then the dictator who took over during that time got greedy, and wanted more control then was necessary.

It absolutely was not a true communist revolution. Karl Marx foresaw the "communist" revolution as one that would occur when the workers in a country united and took over the means of production away from the people who owned and controlled them. In other words it would be a social class or economic revolution.

The Bolshevik revolution in October 1917 was simply a political revolution where a small political party took over the government from people who ran the existing government. In fact the Bolshevik Revolution was more like a military coup than a true revolution at all.

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13y ago

In a word, no. Marx believed in a Proletarian revolution where the working class seized power for themselves. Although the Bolsheviks had a lot of support from the working class, the fact that the working class were not the ones to take power means that it was not a Proletarian revolution. Also, later when Stalin came into power, he treated the working class very poorly, forcing them onto state-owned farms, liquidating their land and livestock, and causing widespread famine.

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12y ago

no, it was a gross perversion of it.

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