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No. It was based on membership of the Tutsi tribe.

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Q: Was the Rwanda genocide based on color of skin?
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What does skin color mean?

Skin color is the pigmentation of your skin based on the amount of melatonin in the cells. Less melatonin means lighter skin color; more is darker.

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based on skin color

The conflict between hutu and tutsi?

The Difference between the Hutus and the Tutsis was based on European Imperialism. Rwanda was originally occupied by the Germans and then later the Belgians. The Europeans thought that the Tutsis were ethnically superior then the Hutus because of the fact that the Tutsis had lighter skin. This resulted in preferential treatment for Tutsis. The Hutus resented this special treatment. The Europeans made Hutus and Tutsis have identity cards with their race printed prominently on the pass. This was how the Hutus identified Tutsis during the genocide. In short the Hutus resentment of the Tutsis were caused by the Europeans that colonized Rwanda and their pseudo science. Also note that the Tutsis were the minority population but got more rights because of the color of their skin

The rwanda's colonizers favored the tutsi over the hutu peoples because the tutsi?

Because of their skin color look more like their own

What color is spock's skin?

His skin is light green in color. As is his blood, because it is copper based, instead of iron based, which is why humans blood is red.

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Was slavery based on race at Greek?

No. Roman slavery was based upon birth, not race. Slavery was a class. The ancients, Roman and others, did not discriminate on the basis of skin color or race.No. Roman slavery was based upon birth, not race. Slavery was a class. The ancients, Roman and others, did not discriminate on the basis of skin color or race.No. Roman slavery was based upon birth, not race. Slavery was a class. The ancients, Roman and others, did not discriminate on the basis of skin color or race.No. Roman slavery was based upon birth, not race. Slavery was a class. The ancients, Roman and others, did not discriminate on the basis of skin color or race.No. Roman slavery was based upon birth, not race. Slavery was a class. The ancients, Roman and others, did not discriminate on the basis of skin color or race.No. Roman slavery was based upon birth, not race. Slavery was a class. The ancients, Roman and others, did not discriminate on the basis of skin color or race.No. Roman slavery was based upon birth, not race. Slavery was a class. The ancients, Roman and others, did not discriminate on the basis of skin color or race.No. Roman slavery was based upon birth, not race. Slavery was a class. The ancients, Roman and others, did not discriminate on the basis of skin color or race.No. Roman slavery was based upon birth, not race. Slavery was a class. The ancients, Roman and others, did not discriminate on the basis of skin color or race.

What is the systematic mistreatment of members of a group based on color of their skin called?


Is the systematic mistreatment of members of a group based on the color of their skin called?


When Wishing for a lighter color of skin is a form of internalized racism because it is?

based on the belief that lighter skin is more attractive than other skin colors.

What is the separation of people based on their race?

Dividing people on the basis of the color of their skin.

Is racial profiling similar to pschological profiling?

no racail profiling is based soley on their age and the color of their skin