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It was an army of statues (Terra cotta is a clay ceramic and means "burnt earth" in Italian). By the way, the weapons in their hands are real. In addition to the weapons, the faces of the Terra Cotta Army are individual. No two are alike. Whatever the reason for the statues, they were more than an emperor's life-sized "green army men."

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Q: Was the Terracotta Army a real army or just statues?
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Yes the Terracotta army were painted but not many have paint any more as once they are exposed to fresh air the paint and lacquer will curl and fall off in just 15 seconds.

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There is no pyramid just Qin Shi Huangdi's tomb.

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how can i joing the army just walk in and sign up!

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There is no such rank as Medic Sergeant Major of the Army. There is a Sergeant Major of the Army and regardless of his specialty, it is just SMA.

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simple, you just dont join the army and probably live longer