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They didn't they were attacked at Pearl Harbor and they wanted to get back at them.

AnswerThe USA entered war after the Japanese attack on the 7th of December 1941... that's more than a year after the war had started. Yes, there's still the question why the USA were neutral for such a long time. AnswerThe marjority of the US citizens wanted to remain neutral. The European countries had been fighting local and large wars for years. The US sent troops in 1917 that greatly helped to end the terrible conflict going on then. The US simply did not want to be a part of the conflicts and alliances that were forming among all of the European countries.

Throughout the years, Americans have tried to stay out of the global picture. We felt that we should only concern ourselves with our own borders and regions. During the 1930's, the world did not seem as small and we thought that another big war in Europe would not have any effect on our lives.

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15y ago

There are several reasons. 1.) American policy and opinion held amongst the majority of people were one of neutrality and isolationism. Hitler was Europe's problem and not America's. Even though Americans sympathized with the Allies, most felt unease of assistance and American intervention. 2.) By waiting to enter, Us politicans had bigger aspirations that would benefit the USA after Hitler's defeat. This includes an agreement that if America was to side with the Allies, the British Empire would ceast to exist after the war, and de-colonization would therefore open up their overseas markets to American investment and trade. Secondly, the US wanted to go head to head with the USSR as the two superpowers of the 20th century. Thirdly, the United States knew that Europe lay in financial ruins, therefore making most of Western Europe heavily relying on American aid for many years to come. This would later take the form of Lend-Lease. The US played its cards right. America waited in order to weaken the Allies into American submissionand influence. 3.) The US waited for the Empire of Japan to make the first move. This occured on December 7, 1941 at Pearl Harbor, therefore giving America the greenlight to declare war and justification in the eyes of the American people to now fight. So basically, the US would have lost more by entering the war early on rather than sit and wait. The United States benefited greatly in both a military and financial sense. The Marshall Plan ensured the rebuilding of Europe under American command/The occupations of Germany and Japan would last for many years. And likewise, the US would see reaps of profits from Capitalism shaping the post-war world.

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16y ago

The US losses in WW-1 were still very much on the conscience of both the

politicians and the populace. Europe's wars were unpopular and there

was a large movement who placed America First. The most popular hero

in living history was Charles Lindberg who was a leader of the anti war

movement. There was also a large and vocal German American Bundt in

opposiition to US intervention. It all changed with Pearl Harbor.

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14y ago

Yes the United States was in a position of neutrality in the beginning of World War II, managing to stay out of the war for two years (the war lasted from 1939-1945). Even though the United States in a way technically violated its position of neutrality way before that with its Lend Lease program, which lent supplies to the Allies. But after December 7, 1941, when the Japanese attacked the United States Pacific Fleet stationed at Pearl Harbor, the United States officially entered the war.

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aggressions of the axis powers

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