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Well, first of all it's called the middle ages, and yes of course. Or the Medieval period.

You can also get it today. The plague [black death] was common back then. It was a terrible disease that spread because people in the middle ages were not clean. They took 1-3 baths a year, which made them targets for the black death.

Traders, went to other places to trade and if they had it they would then spread it to other countries. The plague covered all of Europe.

People became desperate so they came up with weird, and strange cures. Like putting chickens in your arm pits. Or putting dead wolfs in barrels so the plague would give bacteria to that instead. Known of them worked. The plague was spread by fleas, but back then they thought it spread by rats.

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The plague still exists but is curable now.

The worst of it came in several waves for the 14th to the 17th century, so, yes, it was a medieval Holocaust.

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What time period did the black plague happen in?

Black death or plague covered 400 years. 1300 to 1600.

Was the black death in the Middle Ages?

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You couldn't. If you caught the black death, it was certiain you would die

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It is the Black Death. (Black Plague, or Bubonic Plague)

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Are middle ages and medieval times the same?

The Middle Ages and medieval times are the same thing. The word medieval is defined as the adjectival form for Middle Ages, and comes from Latin words meaning middle ages. One thing to remember, however, is that while a given historian usually does not distinguish between the meanings of the two terms, historians disagree with each other about the dates of the period. So one historian might say the terms Middle Ages and medieval times both refer to the times from 476 to 1453, and another might say they both terms refer to the times from from 1066 to 1485. There is a link below to an article on the Middle Ages.