

Best Answer

This is unknowable, since homosexuality has been around for milleniums.

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Q: Was the first person gay a women or man?
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Related questions

Is a gay a woman?

A gay person can be a man or a woman. The term is used for both genders. Gay women can also be called lesbians.

What does it mean when a man is gay?

When a man is gay it means he is attracted to other men rather than being attracted to women. The correct term for someone who is attracted to a person of the same sex is homosexual.

Hho was the first person to be born?

The First person to ever be born was.AdamAndEvethe first man and women on the planet

Who is a first person on Earth?

Adam and Eve were the first man and women on earth.

Can the sperm of a gay person fertilize women?

Yes, if they so decided. Gayness is in the mind.

If i can't picture myself with every women i see have i just matured or am i gay?

it depends on how old are you in the first place if you have crossed your puberty and still this happens then you are gay. try looking at attractive celebrities or any person you can see whom do you get sexually attracted towards........a man or women and you can find out!!!! if you are attracted towards the same sex then you are gay.

Is there a treatment for a gay person to be a man?

A gay man is already a man. So there is nothing to treat.

How do you attract a gay woman if you are a man?

You can't. Gay women by definition are not attracted to males.

Do gay women get more attention than straight women?

i think it all depends on who ur dating on how u will be treated. Either way man, woman, or man and man, or woman ,woman. Depends on the person. Not the sex. You get the attention that there willing to give.

Are you gay if you like transgender woman?

Absolutely not. Transgender women are women. You are only gay if you are a man who is sexually attracted to men

Was the first gay man lonely?

There have been gay men since the dawn of humanity. It's impossible to know anything about the first gay man.

Does liking a transgender make you gay?

No. If said person is physiologiacally a male and you are as well, or physiologically a female and you are female, and you are attracted to them, that does not make you gay. You MAY be gay, but that doesn't mean anything. If anything it means that you have an open mind and think its on the inside that counts, and are attracted to the person for what they are on the inside.