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Yes, if they so decided. Gayness is in the mind.

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6y ago

Yes, a gay man can father a child with a woman. It happens all the time, especially in countries where gay men must marry women.

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Yes they can.

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Q: Can the sperm of a gay person fertilize women?
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Can you have a baby with gay partners?

Yes. Pregnancy requires an egg and a sperm cell. Most females can produce eggs; most males can produce sperm. The sperm cells of gay men can fertilize an egg; the eggs produced by lesbians can be fertilized. Men can "donate" sperm to fertilize an egg; women can offer their wombs to bring fetuses to term. And a couple can adopt a child, of course. Laws about legal parenthood vary from one place to another, so it's best to consult a lawyer before initiating conception.

Do lesbians use men to get children then ditch them afterwards to raise them with their women?

No. This is unheard of. Typically, gay women use a sperm bank.

Are women gay?

Yes, a gay person may be male or female (or anything in between or outside the box). Gay women are also called Lesbians.

Can you have a baby if you are gay?

Yes, lesbians can have babies. All they need is male sperm, which they can get from a friend, or from a sperm bank. They can also adopt children. Gay men can adopt children, or can have a baby from a surrogate mother. Some gay men and women have children from a previous opposite-sex relationship.

What makes a gay a woman?

If the gay person was born with a vagina and ovaries, she is a woman. But some gay women were born with male genitalia. Those women are called "transgendered" (though not all transgendered women are attracted to other women).

If you are gay can sperm in your body give you worms?

you cant get worms from or straight

Is it dangerous in Iqbal for eating sperm?

Only if it's gay sperm. If you eat gay sperm you'll become a lesbian.

How is a gay person born?

Just the way any other Human is born. A homosexual baby is born like the rest of other babies. It's orgins are from a male's sperm pregnating the women's egg(s).

Is a gay a woman?

A gay person can be a man or a woman. The term is used for both genders. Gay women can also be called lesbians.

Is a gay persons sperm strong enough to have a baby?

Yes. Being gay has nothing to do with sperm strength.

If there were lots of women on a deserted island with only two men who happened to be gay would it be generally true to say that the women would never bother the gay men?

It would depend on how long they were all to be there for, and whether or not the gay men's sperm might be needed - for reproductive purposes only.

Is Shane filan really a woman?

Yesno he is so not just because hes gay doesnt make him a womenNO HE IS NOT GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND NO HE IS NOT A WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND FOR THE RECORD ANY PERSON THINKS HES A WOMEN OR GAY IS A GIANT IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!Shane Filan is not gay