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Q: Was the great migration a movement in which large numbers of African Americans began leaving the south to take jobs in northern factories?
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What did African Americans leave behind during the great migration?

African Americans left the south. Most African-Americans had remained in the south following emancipation. However, Jim Crow racism, made life difficult for them. As a result the Great Migration to the Northern cities occurred.

What are the details of the Red Summer of 1919?

The Red Summer occurred due to competition for jobs between whites and African Americans after World War I. It was a violent reaction to the Northern migration of African Americans from the South.

What impact did the great migration of African Americans in World War 1 have on American race relations?

During the Great Mirgation, Africans Americans started moving North for job opportunities since all the previous men who worked in factories were recruited fro war through the Selective Service. People in the South were obviously racist against the African Americans, so during the Great Migration, the right to vote caused a lot of controversy. This is because when the African Americans moved to the Norht they were given the right to vote. The Great Migration is quite ironic because the northerners were fine when all the "colored" people were in the south but when they started moving and living in the the northern territory, many northerners became uncomfortable. Another race that were encouraged to move during the Great Migration were the Hispanics. They moved to farms to get jobs as cowboys in the west.

The US that you know today was heavily influenced by One significant characteristic is the number of from southern states who moved to cities in the northern states?

A. the Great Migration; African Americans

Why did African Americans move from the South to northern states between 1910 and 1930?

Many African Americans migrated to the North from the South in search of better lives. There were many more job opportunities in larger city's like New York, Detroit and Chicago. Former slaves were recruited for the railroad, meatpacking and stockyards.

Related questions

What is the northern migration?

The norther migration or great migration involved the exodus of African Americans from the southern United States to northern cities.

What best describes the great migration?

African Americans went to Northern cities for better opportunities.

What describes the Great Migration of the 20th century?

The Great Migration refers to the movement of African Americans from the South to the urban North, between 1916 and 1970.

What is the The movement of African Americans from the rural South to the industrial North known as?

The large scale migration of African-Americans from the agricultural south to the industrial north during the twentieth century came to be known as the Great Migration. More than 6 million blacks moved out of the rural south to the Northeast, Midwest and West to compete for manufacturing and other jobs in northern cities. By the end of the Great migration in the 1960's, African-Americans had become an urbanized population. More than 80 percent lived in cities. It was one of the largest and most rapid migrations in history.

What best describes the migration?

African Americans went to Northern cities for better opportunities.

Which group of people settled in the northern cities as part of the great migration?

African Americans

A major effect of the war labor shortage was?

A great migration of southern African-Americans to northern cities

In what decade did the massive northern movement of African Americans occur?


In the early 1900s who migrated to the northern cities to work on assembly lines in new factories?

African Americans

In the early 1900s who migrated to northern cities to work on assembly lines in new factories?

African Americans

Who migrated to northern cities to work on assembly lines in new factories in the early 1900s?

African Americans

Great Migration?

The large scale movement of hundreds of thousands of Southern blacks to the cities of the North