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Q: Was the holocaust known as one of the most depressing times in Jewish history?
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What are some known Jewish girls in history?

While there are a number of well known Jewish women throughout history, Anne Frank might be the most famous. She lived through the Holocaust and wrote the famous biography Anne Frank's Diary.

For what reason was Fuehrer Adolf Hitler well known for?

Adolf Hitler is well known for starting an atrocious event known in history as the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a form of mass genocide where all Jewish people were tortured and killed by German Nazis.

After the Holocaust a Jewish homeland was created. What was the land called?

It is known as Israel.

What was the period of the Holocaust in history known as?

World War two.

What does the term Nazi have to do with to the Holocaust?

Nazi's put lots of Jewish people in concentration camps and then murdered most of them this event ws known as the holocaust

Who became known as a hero amongst the Jewish people for his role during the Holocaust?

there are many thousand of them

What has the author Adriel Obar Meimban written?

Adriel Obar Meimban is known for writing the book "Remember Us: My Journey from the Shtetl through the Holocaust". This book chronicles his experiences as a Jewish survivor of the Holocaust and his journey to rebuild his life after the war.

Why is the holocaust important for jews?

Close to half the world's Jews were killed during World War II, and mot of the deaths were the result of the German plan to exterminate the Jews, known in English as the Holocaust. Jewish history is littered with waves of persecution, but the Holocaust eclipses the others, not merely because it was the most recent, but because of the industrial scale of the slaughter.

What led to the mass murder of Jews known as the holocaust?

The beleif that white non-Jewish "Aryans" were a superior race.

Which event in world history led to Jewish immigration from Europe to the US during the mid twentieth century?

Adolf Hitler's persecution of the Jews. Any jews who stayed behind in Europe, where rounded up and put into Concentration Camps and then, worked to death or murdered, this became known as the 'Holocaust'.

How many non-jewish civilians were killed in the Holocaust?

Right now, it is a estimate of five-million non-Jewish civilians that were killed in the Holocaust. People are searching for further evidence to determine a better estimate of how many was really killed, but the real number will never be known.

What Nazi ideology led to the mass murder of Jews known as Holocaust?

The beleif that white non-Jewish "Aryans" were a superior race.