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Q: Was the hope drunk wherein you dressed yourself analysis?
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Is it bad to exercise when drunk?

Any exercise is better than no exercise, but depending on how drunk you are you could injure yourself.

Do you have control of yourself when you are drunk?

It is very different from person to person

Is alcohol evil I'm a Christian?

Alcohol is not evil. Drunkenness is evil. The Bible doesn't say a Christian can never drink; it only says not to get drunk. Ephesians 5:18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;

Does beer make you lose control of yourself?

Yes, beer contains alcohol and alcohol in small quantities makes you lose your inhibitions and in large quantities make you drunk. When you are drunk you are not in control of yourself.

What is the comparison from drinking and driving deaths and sober driving deaths?

Drunk driving is when you are completely drunk and you are not in your senses and sober driving is when you are almost drunk but you still gain some consciousness in yourself.

Can you get drunk off mouth wash?

yes but you would have to drink TONS of it and you would probably make yourself very sick before you made yourself drunk

When Macbeth tries to call off the murder what is lady mavbeth's reaction?

Lady Macbeth scolds Macbeth for being weak and accuses him of being cowardly and unmanly. She then takes matters into her own hands and plans the murder herself, manipulating Macbeth into following through with it.

Why do people ask me if im drunk?

Probably showing the symptoms from sleep deprivation. Somebody could mistake you for being drunk of you had slurred speech, motor skill mis function, dressed poorly or messy, baggy eyes. I've been asked if I'm drunk plenty of times don't sweat it

How do you stop being drunk when you are?

The best way to sober up is to make yourself puke.

Why do you develop bump on your skin after drinking?

Because you got drunk, fell and bumped yourself!