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Q: Was the mandate system imperialism in disguise?
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How was the mandate a colonialism in disguise?


What can be stated as the five types of Imperialism?

The five types of imperialism are: 1. Concession 2. Sphere of influence 3. Protectorate 4. Annexation 5. Mandate or Trusteeship

What happened to Ottoman territory in the Middle East after World War 1?

It was divided between Britain and France through the mandate system.

Governing without owning the territory?

is a mandate system

Is imperialism a political system?

Imperialism is a nation or country trying to get more land or spread its beliefs

What was a cause of the Persian Gulf War and was also a result of British imperialism?

The establishment of the Kingdom of Iraq, and the exclusion of Kuwait from Iraq by the British mandate, in 1918.

What does mandate system mean?

The mandate system of the League of Nations, established by the treaties ending World War I. Under this system, the victors of World War I were given responsibility for governing former German and Ottoman territories as mandates from the League. The ultimate goal was development of each mandate toward eventual independence.

What term completes the excerpt from William G mcAdoo?

Mandate system

How did imperialism weaken the political system of Southeast Asia?

they were homeless.

What were the reasons for worldwar1?

Militarism, Alliance System, imperialism, & nationalism

How did imperialism lead to the conquest if india?

Imperialism led to the conquest if India due to imposition of a unified state system of government on India.

How did imperialism affect Philippines?

The US fought them in the Spanish American War.