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Q: Was the oral vaccine developed by scientist Albert Sabin became the most common form of treatment against polio?
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Who developed a vaccine against rabies and smallpox?

The great scientist Louis Pasteur invented both the vaccines.

Who developed the vaccine against the disease?

that is love

Did vaccine against the black death help?

No. There is no vaccine against the Black Death. Antibiotics usually help if it is diagnosed in time, but they were not developed until the middle of the 20th century.

Who developed a vaccine for anthrax?

Hey there! Louis Pasteur was the first person to make a vaccine against anthrax, 😄

Is there a cure for polio?

Currently there is no treatment that can cure polio. There are immunizations present and also some treatment methods to provide relief while the body fights against the polio virus. This is called supportive care. Supportive care can include fluids, medications, and lots of rest.

What was Jonas Salk's job?

Jonas salk was a scientist that invented the polio vaccine.

How do you corrupt a vaccine in pandemic 2?

To corrupt a vaccine in Pandemic 2, you can use Genetic Hardening. This ability allows you to make the virus more resistant to any vaccine that is developed, thus hindering efforts to combat it effectively. Keep in mind that the vaccine can still be developed, but it will be less effective against your virus.

What 2 scientist developed a vaccine that brought polio under control?

Salk & SabinThe Salk vaccine was the first and is a traditional killed virus vaccine administered by injection.The Sabin vaccine is an attenuated live virus vaccine usually administered as a drop of liquid placed on a sugar cube and taken by mouth.

Who was Dr.Salk?

Dr. Jonas Salk was an American virologist who developed the first successful polio vaccine. His discovery of the polio vaccine in 1955 was considered a milestone in the fight against the disease and led to its eventual eradication in many parts of the world. Dr. Salk's work saved countless lives and revolutionized the field of public health.

What is the name of the scientist that had the most influence on measles?

Maurice Hilleman. He developed the measles vaccine, and it is estimated to prevent 1 million deaths every year.

What is a very common drug which was developed in the 19th century and is used extensively today?

Pasteur's vaccine against rabies

Who developed first antipolio vaccine?

Jonas Salk developed the first polio vaccine in 1952.