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Q: Was the radar used by other .countries than Britain?
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RGUMENT Write a speech from the perspective of a merchant, urging colonists to support your idea of free trade with countries other than Britain.

Why do fewer people recycle in Britain than in other European countries?

cuz its an island + you can dump it on other countries in that vast empire of yours...oh wait.

A speech from the perspective of a merchant urging colonists to support idea of free trade with countries other than Britain?


What type of word is 'radar' other than a palindrome?

Radar is a noun and it is also an acronym for RAdio Detection And Ranging.

What were centers of industrialization in Europe?

mainly Great Britain; with its benefit of its long coastline that let it trade easily with many other countries. Also Great Britain had a massive supply of iron and coal which helped it industrialize quicker than many other countries.

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because, the textile machines in great Britain produced more cloth quicker and inexpensively than in other countries could.

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Canada, Britain/Ireland, New Zealand, Greece lots of countries have

How many countries have the great Britain colonised?

The British Empire no longer exists but at its height, more than 50 countries were administered by Britain.

What places were NOT involved in the Crusades?

Plenty of them weren't involved. In fact, any countries other than Britain and Jerusalem were basically out of the question.

Why has Great Britain not fully participated in the EU?

The European Union allows for some flexibility in how countries participate. So some countries do not participate in certain aspects. Britain does not use the Euro, but 9 other European Union countries don't use it either. There are other countries that don't participate in some aspects of the European Union, so it is no different than any other European Union countries. So you could say that no country fully participates in the European Union.