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The very mistake Rosencrans did was not that of fleeing from the battlefield, but that of not turn back and resume the command, once, about at 1pm, the Unionists had been able to balance the situation. Therefore the removal was, in my opinion, justified.

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The chief critic of General William Rosencrans was the Assistant Secretary of War, Henry Dana. In his opinion, Rosencrans had lost the support of his troops and commanding officers due to the loss at the Battle of Chickamauga. Halleck ordered General US Grant to hold Chattanooga and repair the damages. Apparently part of this "repair" was relieving General Rosencrans of his command . It's difficult to answer the "justified" question. Based on major previous Union defeats, the "investigation" led by Henry Dana can be seen as a need to find a "goat" for the defeat.

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Q: Was the removal of General William Rosencrans as commander of the Army of the Cumberland justified?
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What the first success of General Rosencrans as commander of the Army of the Cumberland?

When Major General William Rosencrans was appointed to command the Army of the Cumberland, his superior officer, General in Chief Henry Wager Halleck had given him three specific objectives. By January of 1863, Rosencrans was successful in his first task which was to force the Confederates out of Kentucky.The other objectives specified by General in Chief Halleck were delayed.

What Confederate general was Union General William Rosencrans' foe when he was placed as commander of the Army of the Cumberland?

When General William Rosencrans was placed in charge of the Army of the Cumberland, he had to face Confederate General Braxton Bragg. At the battle of Stone's River, Rosencrans forced Bragg to retreat. The casualties in that battle were severe for both sides. Twenty four thousand casualties were the result. Rosencrans rallied on the second day of the battle and forced Bragg to retreat.

Who replaced General William Rosencrans as commander of the Army of the Cumberland?

After the unexpected defeat of the Union's Army of the Cumberland, the US Department of War wanted a change in leadership. General George Thomas replaced Rosencrans as the commanding officer of that army. It appears that General US Grant may have made that recommendation. With all certainty, the Assistant Secretary of War, pushed for his removal.

Who was the commander of the XXI Corps in the Army of the Cumberland in 1863?

Major General Thomas L. Crittenden was the commander of the XXI Corps in the Army of the Cumberland in 1863. Crittenden was not a USMA graduate.He was a lawyer until the outbreak of the Mexican American War. He enlisted in the army and reached the rank of colonel. He sided with the Union when the US Civil War broke out. He was from Kentucky but was a Unionist. He was given command in the pro-Union Kentucky militia. He served in the battles of Shiloh and Corinth. He served first under General Buell and when that army transitioned into the Army of the Cumberland, The commander of the Army of the Cumberland in 1863 was Major General Rosencrans. Rosencrans had doubts about the abilities of Crittenden because he was not a USMA graduate. Nevertheless, Crittenden impressed Rosencrans for his bravery and gave him important assignments in the Tullahoma campaign.

Who were the Union Commanders of the Army of the Cumberland?

Major General William S. Rosencrans Major General Ulysses S. Grant

What military experience did Major General Aexander M. McCook have prior to joining the Union's Army of the Cumberland?

In 1863, Major General Alexander M. McCook was the commander of the XX Corps of the Army of the Cumberland. He was a USMA at West Point graduate who graduated in 1852. He was a veteran of the Indian wars and later was an instructor at the USMA at West Point. Before joining the Army of the Cumberland, McCook took part in the First Battle of Bull Run. He was a division commander at the Battle of Shiloh, and fought at Perryville and Stone's River. His commander in the Army of the Cumberland, Major General William Rosencrans saw weakness in McCook as a battlefield commander.

When did Union General William Rosencrans begin his offensive against General Braxton Bragg and his forces in Tennessee?

General Rosencrans was successful in preparing his Army of the Cumberland in 1863. He then began his offensive against Confederate General Braxton Bragg in June of 1863.

Who where major leaders in the battle stones river?

Major General William Starke Rosencrans for the Union Army of the Cumberland and Lt. General Braxton Bragg for the Confederate Army of Tennessee.

What chain of events brought Union General William Starke Rosencrans to a position of great importance in Tennessee?

When the US Civil War began Rosencrans volunteered to be an aid to General George B. McClellan. In summary form here are the events that brought Rosencrans to become a key to Union military operations in Tennessee:1. He became a brigadier general and participated in General McClellan's operations in western Virginia;2. When McClellan left to take command of the Army of the Potomac, Rosencrans served as commander of the departments of Ohio and Western Virginia;3. Rosencrans left Virginia to command a division in the Army of the Mississippi;4. He was promoted to be the commander of the Army of the Mississippi;5. This placed him under the direct command of US Grant;6. Rosencrans fought his first major battle at Iuka Mississippi and won the battle;7. US Grant was disturbed at Rosencrans because he failed to follow Grant's orders to pursue the enemy;8. At this juncture, ill feelings between the generals began;9. At the Battle of Corinth in 1862, Rosencrans again was the victor, however, he failed to pursue the enemy; and10. Rosencrans was reassigned to the Army of the Cumberland, and thus fought Confederate General Braxton Bragg in Tennessee.

What was the connection between Union generals George B McClellan and William S Rosencrans?

When the US Civil War began, William Rosencrans volunteered as an aid to Major General George B. McClellan. At the time, McClellan was the commander of the Department of Ohio. As a brigadier general, h e participated in McClellan's operations in western Virginia. Rosencrans won a significant victory at the battle of Rich Mountain. When McClellan left to take command of the Army of the Potomac, Rosencrans then became the commander of the Department of Ohio. As an aside, Rosencrans was an excellent student at West point. In 1842 he graduated from West point as fifth in his class of fifty one students.

What were the objectives that General in Chief Henry W. Halleck set for the Army of the Cumberland in 1862?

In late October of 1862, Major General William Rosencrans took over the Army of the Cumberland from General Don Carlos Buell. Hallecks instructions to Rosencrans were the following:* Apply pressure on the Confederate Army of Tennessee and force it out of Kentucky; * Cover Nashville and repair the railroad to permit the movement of supples between Nashville and Louisville, Kentucky; and * Maintain pressure on the Army of Tennessee to prevent it from moving West to hinder the operations of General US Grant.

What military experience did Union Major General George H. Thomas bring to the Army of the Cumberland?

In 1863, Major General George Henry Thomas was the XIV Corps commander in the Army of the Cumberland. He was one of that army's best generals. He was a Virginian and graduated 12th in the class of 1840 at the USMA at West Point. After graduation he became a member of the Third US Artillery. Prior to the US Civil War, Thomas saw nattle action against the Seminole Wars, and in the Mexican-American War. He also served as an instructor at West Point.The commander of the Army of the Cumberland, William Rosencrans saw Thomas as one of his best generals.