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Q: Was the rule of Hammurabi described as a democracy in which every citizen had a voice?
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What type of government is it where every citizen participates?

democracy (A+LS)

Did Hammurabi build anything?

He devised the first known set of laws codified for every citizen.

What happens in a direct democracy?

In a direct democracy, each citizen has the right to vote on every decision and issue.

What are some good things about democracy?

every free citizen has the right to vote argue and democracy want everyone to be equal

What is a direct democracy and representative democracy And whats the difference?

direct democracy is a type of government wee every citizen can vote on every issue. representative democracy is a type of government were people vote for representative who deiced issues in there name.

What is the different between a direct democracy and a representative democracy?

direct democracy is a type of government wee every citizen can vote on every issue. representative democracy is a type of government were people vote for representative who deiced issues in there name.

What did Hammurabi value?

The code dealt with every class of citizen including the military and the slaves and it was a just set of laws for the time being.

Is every citizen has the right to life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness the meaning of representative democracy?


What is the difference between democracy and a parliamentary democracy?

It depends on what democracy without qualification means, but many people use it as a euphemism for "direct democracy". Direct Democracy makes every citizen responsible for every political decision. For example, in a direct democracy, every citizen would be voting on tax rates, immigration policy, etc. In a parliamentary democracy, districts of people vote for a person or party to represent them in a legislative forum. The party with the largest number of seats then forms a government, which directs the policy of the country.

What is the difference between a true democracy and a parliamentary democracy?

It depends on how you define "true democracy", but most people use it as a euphemism for "direct democracy". Direct Democracy makes every citizen responsible for every political decision. For example, in a direct democracy, every citizen would be voting on tax rates, immigration policy, etc. In a parliamentary democracy, districts of people vote for a person or party to represent them in a legislative forum. The party with the largest number of seats then forms a government, which directs the policy of the country.

Was hammurabi cod of law crule?

As a matter of fact, by the time it was created it had just rules. It attended every citizen in Babylon including the slaves.

Fundamental worth of the individual?

The belief in a democracy that every citizen has value and must be treated with dignity and respect.