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Q: Was the rule of Pericles a golden age for Athens explain?
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Was the rule for pericles a golden age for Athens?


How long did Pericles rule Greece?

Pericles ruled Anicent Athens

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Classical Art

How long did pericles rule over Athens last?

1 hour

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When people talk about Athens' Golden Age they usually mean the reign of Pericles. Athens golden age really begins around the time of Themistocles, and comes to an end around Pericles' reign - but people do so love labels.Another View:Athens was ruled by the popular assembly - all male citizensPericles was 'First Citizen' who was influential with the citizens, but he did not rule - the assembly met each fortnight and decided on policy issues. In between, a council of 500 was charged with carrying out these decisions and conducting administrative duties. Of the 500, ten percent was on 24 hour duty in rotation to handle immediate problems.

When was the age of Pericles?

Pericles did not rule Athens - it was a democracy so the people ruled - attending assemblies every couple of weeks to vote on legislation. Pericles was effectively First Citizen, that is he wielded a lot of influence, but not so much that he had to orchestrate the exile of Thucydides son of Melesias who had organised a political party (first one on record) to oppose him in the assembly. Pericles' influence began in the 450s BCE, and ended with his death in 429 BCE.

Who was the ruler of Athens during the Golden Age?

Pericles was Athens ruler. He wanted to glorify Athens, which was one of his goals. He ruled until the Peloponnesian Wars occurred and a disease spread throughout Athens. Many died including Athens' leader Pericles!.Another View:Athens was a radical democracy - the citizens met in a fortnightly Assembly to consider laws and other propositions put before them by the Council. The Council implemented them.In bringing propositions forward various leading citizens would address the Assembly. Pericles was a main one, and held considerable influence in swaying the Assembly - he had more wins than losses in this - but he definitely did not 'rule'. He thought of himself as First Citizen.So the answer to the question is: The adult male citizens in Assembly.

Who was the ruler of Athens during its Golden Age?

Pericles was Athens ruler. He wanted to glorify Athens, which was one of his goals. He ruled until the Peloponnesian Wars occurred and a disease spread throughout Athens. Many died including Athens' leader Pericles!.Another View:Athens was a radical democracy - the citizens met in a fortnightly Assembly to consider laws and other propositions put before them by the Council. The Council implemented them.In bringing propositions forward various leading citizens would address the Assembly. Pericles was a main one, and held considerable influence in swaying the Assembly - he had more wins than losses in this - but he definitely did not 'rule'. He thought of himself as First Citizen.So the answer to the question is: The adult male citizens in Assembly.

Highlight of Pericles' rule was?

A highlight of Pericles' rule was rebuilding the Athenian Acropolis, including the Pantheon.

. A highlight of Pericles' rule was?

A highlight of Pericles' rule was rebuilding the Athenian Acropolis, including the Pantheon.

A higlight of pericles rule was?

The fact that he did not 'rule'. He promoted democracy, and his ascendance as First Citizen occurred by his ability to give a lead, select beneficial courses of action for Athens and its people, and his persuasive ability.

How the golden rule does or does not influence each of the six concepts of TQM?

The Golden Rule is a simple but effective way to explain it: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.