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No, it had a binding contract as a part of the US.

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Q: Was the south justified in its cause of rebellion?
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Was Bacon's rebellion justified?

Bacon's rebellion was justified. He thought that the government was not protecting him and everyone else from the Powhatan's and also indentured servants were not getting the land they were promised in their contract as a servant for someone for a certain amount of years.

What enlightened philosopher thought rebellion against government was never justified?

Baron de Montesquieu believed that rebellion against the government was never justified because it would lead to chaos and instability. He emphasized the importance of maintaining order and stability through the separation of powers and checks and balances within the government.

Are the northwest rebellion ever justified?

Well according to the pythaegoream theory, it is bcuz the Government has not mettheirneeed

Where was the Stono Rebellion?

It was a South Carolina slave rebellion in 1739.

Was the south justified in seceding from the north?

No, it wasn't.

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i think the main cause of sam sharp rebellion in 1831 is when theslaves get freedom

How did the Declaration of Independence justify rebellion?

It justified the right to revolt against a government, that no longer guaranteed the man's natural and inalienable rights

Shay's rebellion singificance?

Shays's rebellion is significant because he started a rebellion at the wrong time and this could have cause a collapse in government

What was Thomas Jefferson's apparent feelings about the rebellion of the American colonies?

He apparently felt it was completely justified by the way the English king treated the colonies.

What was thomas Jefferson apparent feelings about the rebellion of the American colonies?

He apparently felt it was completely justified by the way the English king treated the colonies.

Where did the Zulu Rebellion take place?

South Afria