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This is a very complicated question. So I'm gonna give it to you short. The British navy was attacking American neutral ships and taking American sailors and forcing them into the British navy. That is the main reason we went to war. The U.S also wanted to free Canada. The War went really bad for the U.S. The White House was burned with most of D.C. The Final battle was the Battle for New Orleans which Andrew Jackson commanded. It was not a choice it was for America's rights. The War of 1812 nick name was the 2nd War for Independence.

ANSWER: "The U.S also wanted to free Canada"? Not so much. In fact, the US wanted to invade Canada, with Thomas Jefferson calling it "just a matter of marching". But, like the disastrous American invasion during the Revolutionary War, invading US forces were defeated. Pushed out of Canada, they lost Detroit, Buffalo, and Fort Dearborn (now Chicago, Illinois). The United States chose to declare war after much debate over whether a war was necessary. Ironically, Britain had ended its policy of forcing US sailors into the Royal Navy, but that news had not reached Washington.

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