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Well,since seeing your question,I looked up the name,and nothing came up.So maybe there was but it's not on Google anymore.

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Q: Was there a tallest shire horse called manor carr coming king?
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Compare manor farm from the beginning of the story to the end?

Manor Farm in the beginning of the story is similar to how it is at the end on the story, however, in the beginning, the farm is controlled by humans, and at the end, the farm is controlled by animals. Animal Farm is a novel written by George Orwell.

Who is Daniel Avery?

Daniel is tall and supports Chelsea fc. he goes to kings manor community colleged, he is in year 9 and his birthday is on the 18th february

What is the most popular show on Animal Planet?

There are some very good shows on Animal Planet. According to the TV dot com website the top three shows on Animal Planet are Meerkat Manor, River Monsters and The Most Extreme.

How many wild goats on the Isle of Portland?

There are around 10 Primitive British Goats living wild on the East Weare's of the Isle and Royal Manor of Portland. They were introduced to keep vegetation down in the area. They are looked after by Local volunteers who keep an eye on them without actually interfering with them. They are pretty much left to their own devices. They can often be seen standing on top of the old rifle range. (Stone sloping structure) From The Portland Rover.

What does the last name Zehnder mean?

Variant of Zehner.Zehner:German (chiefly Bavaria, Austria, Switzerland, and Württemberg): occupational name for an official responsible for collecting, on behalf of the lord of the manor, tithes of agricultural produce owed as rent. The more prosperous tenants had to contribute wine and grain, those with smaller holdings fruit, vegetables, milk, cheese, beer, and poultry. The Middle High German term for this official was zehendære, a derivative of zehende'tenth part', 'tithe' (Old High German zehanto, from zehan 'ten').

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A lord's estate is called what?

A lord's estate was called a manor.

What is the head of the manor called?

The title of the head of the manor is; lord or lady.

Is the montauk manor haunted?

Yes. Took pictures at night on the grounds and saw an indian on a horse.

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What were workers who owed duties to the lord of a manor called?

They were called serfs.

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What is medieval lord's estate called?

A lord of the manor is the person who is in-charge of the manor. The manor is basically the plot of land which the king gives the lord in return for his loyalty. The lord and his lady run the manor and live in a castle on the manor. The manor also holds serfs, knights, priests, and bishops, though. This is because many manors in the medieval ages could hold up to 2,000 people!

What is a synonym for a lord's estate?

A lord's estate was called a manor.

What is a fowls home called?

The Fowl home is called Fowl Manor.

What is the name of Miss Havishams manor?

Miss Havisham's manor is called Satis House.

Who lived in the large house at the centre of the manor?

The large house at the center of a manor was called the manor house, and it was a home of the lord of the manor. He could live there with his family. Servants who worked in the manor house often lived in it, in simple rooms. At times, a representative of the lord could live there, and if the lord was in financial need, he could rent it out.