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No they were not. After one explosion in particlular there were very high levels, but never any evacuations or moving citizens away from those cities effected.

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Q: Was there a town in Russia abandoned because of radiation?
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I actually do not know the answer because I'm trying to figure it out to.

Is there a town that has been affected with radiation other than Chernobyl?

Nothing like that amount that I know of. There may have been incidents in Soviet Russia that we never heard about. The towns near TMI received only trivial amounts of radiation.

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There is an abandoned mining town in Nevada called Rialite.

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Are there zombie myths in russia?

There's the one about Chernobyl, a ghost town in Ukraine. Ukraine has many heritages from Russia. Chernobyl is a town that had nuclear reactors and so-forth. One day, one of the reactors had a meltdown and everything, and it blew up. Spreading massive amounts of radiation. Many people think that the right dose of radiation can do very strange things to humans (**Zombies**). Zombies don't always have to be dead... they could be very much close though. The radiation of that amount could do something like that. That is as close as I can answer your question, being from Ukraine though, It sort of answers it, hopes this helps.

What state has a town called Winner?

there is a Winner Minnesota, which is an abandoned town and there is also a Winner South Dakota. Hope this helped (:

Where is the abandoned town of Chernobyl site of a 1986 nuclear disaster located?

The Ukraine