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Q: What is a metaphor for an abandoned town?
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What is a name of a ghost town?

There is an abandoned mining town in Nevada called Rialite.

What metaphor compares the town to a snake the pearl?

The metaphor comparing the town to a snake conveys the idea of hidden danger and deception beneath its seemingly pleasant appearance, much like a snake may appear harmless but can be venomous. It suggests that the town, like a snake, may have a sinister side that is not immediately apparent, possibly hinting at corruption or greed lurking beneath its surface.

Where is the abandoned ship in emerald?

i think it is off the coast of deword town

Adjitives that describe a ghost town?

desolate, abandoned, dead, deserted

Which town is the abandoned church where Ponyboy and johnny hide out located?


What metaphor in chapter 3 of the pearl compares the town to a snake?

In chapter 3 of "The Pearl," the metaphor comparing the town to a snake highlights the deceptive and treacherous nature of the community. Just as a snake may appear harmless but then strike unexpectedly, the town's inhabitants may also pretend to be friendly but can turn hostile when provoked or threatened. This metaphor suggests that danger lurks beneath the surface of the seemingly serene town.

What state has a town called Winner?

there is a Winner Minnesota, which is an abandoned town and there is also a Winner South Dakota. Hope this helped (:

Where is the abandoned town of Chernobyl site of a 1986 nuclear disaster located?

The Ukraine

What town is the abandoned church where Pony boy and Johnny hide out?


What was a ghost town?

A ghost town could be one of two things it could be a town that is full of ghosts from the past people living there, or it could be an old abandoned town from the past

What is a metaphor for a castle?

The castle stood king over the town below