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because the brittish invaded leaving the aboriginals to defend their land

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Q: Was there a war between the british and aboriginals?
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What was the relationship between the british and aborigines?

The relations were pretty bad. The government promised the aboriginals deals, and once the aboriginals agreed, the government blew them off. The aboriginals don't, and haven't since the 1800s trusted "white" people, or the government.

Who are the Aboriginals and what did they do?

The aboriginals are indigenous people of Australia What did they do ? lived in Australia and then the British people came and colonized Australia.

Who was involved1774 Quebec Act?

the french the british and the aboriginals

Why did so many Aboriginals die between 1788 and 1920?

Because the British people attacked them and made them ill and they stole there babies

What happened after the war between the British and french?

there were a war

What war was between the thirteen colonies and British mercantilism?

The American Revolution was the war between the thirteen colonies and British mercantilism.

Why did the aboriginals get the smallpox and not the british?

They had no immunity. It was an old world disease.

What did the british call aboriginals during settlement?

Native, Savages

How did the British change the environment in Australia?

when the British moved to Australia they forced the aboriginals to the edges of the British settlement, making then take up the worst British habits such as begging. Without the aboriginals to care for the environment, the trees failed to grow and the animals started to die.

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what are the similarities and differences between canada and australia aboriginals first nation.

Who was the Anglo Boer war fought between?

The first Anglo-Boer war was fought between the British and the Boers from ZAR in South Africa. The war was a war of independence against the British.

What happened when cultures collided between the Aboriginals and Europeans?

When Aboriginal cultures collided with Europeans, there were significant conflicts and misunderstandings due to differences in values, beliefs, and customs. Europeans brought diseases, which decimated Aboriginal populations. The introduction of new technologies and resources also disrupted Aboriginal ways of life, leading to the loss of traditional practices and livelihoods.