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Q: Was there an earth before this one?
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Who was on Earth before god?

No-one, since God has always been and the earth was created by Him.

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Find out what the fastest car on earth was before the current one ;-)

Have space crafts visited earth?

Yes, many of them. But as far as anybody knows, every one of them was built on earth and launched from earth before it landed here.

What happened before Sauron?

Sauron was one of the lieutenants of Morgoth back in the First Age, and he existed before Middle-earth..

How many earth days would have passed before mercury had experienced one mercurian day?

There are 1407.6 Earth hours during one full on Mercury. Thus, it will take approximately 59 Earth days for one day on Mercury.

Who was the first slave on earth?

It could have been before time was recorded. No one knows.

Why did god make dinosaurs before people?

That you will have to one day ask God about...No one on earth will ever know.

What was the first species that was on the earth?

Many people would argue that no one species was on the Earth before another species. These people believe in creationism.

What year did Saturn form its rings?

No one knows. Certainly before life existed on earth

As a astoroid ever hit us?

ya one has hit earth before when when god pooped

Why Muslims pray to the earth?

Muslims do not pray to the earth. They bow down before Allah - The One and the only One God. This type of prayer was actually practiced by Jews and Christians in the early Middle Ages before being replaced by pew-worship and kneeling.

What planet travels around the sun in less time than it take earth to complete one orbit?

it is the 2 planets that are before the earth mercury and venus