

Was there any celebrations in Sparta for Artemis?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Artemis was certainly known in Sparta, but it is likely no celebration was writen of, those being a part of cults and perhaps a mystery - so forbidden from being discribed.

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Q: Was there any celebrations in Sparta for Artemis?
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Artemis' city for which she is patron for is Sparta.

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The patron goddess of Sparta was Artemis, the Greek goddess of the Hunt.

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The two main Gods of Sparta are Ares (Roman: Mars) and Artemis (Roman: Diana).

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Artemis is the patron goddess of the Hunt. She gives her aid to women in childbirth. She protects maidens and animals. She is the patron of the city Sparta.

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Every one mostly Crete and Sparta. Somtimes in Athens

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Actually, the Spartans worshipped Artemis and Aresthe most. Athena was not their patron goddess. She was the patron of Athens, Sparta's rival.

Did Artemis have any relationship?

No , Artemis never had a relationship .