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There certainly were! Take our 1st president. General George Washington was the commander of the Continental army for much of the time of the war. And, there were others. Benjamin Franklin was also a big part of the war, as well. He would often go to France to make arrangements for some of their soldiers to come and fight for the new nation. It was his correspondence that did help his friend, General Washington. Then on the British side, the King of England was one of those commanders that you do not hear much about, but believe me, he may not have been out leading troops, but he was there. He was the king, its not as if he would get up and go get himself killed. he could sit back in his palace, and deliver the orders, though something tells me the commander of the British army had his own plans as well. So you see, there were some REALLY important people in the Revolution.

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Q: Was there any important people in the revolotionary war?
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