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yes, Washington DC is the capital of the United States of America.

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Which country is Washington DC the capital of?

Washington DC is the capital of the United States of America.

What city is the United State capital?

Washington, D.C.

Washington D.C. is the capital for?

Washington DC is the capital of the United States of America.

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Washington DC is the capital of the United States of America.

What country is Washington the capital of?

Washington DC is the capital of the United States of America.

What state has the capital Washington DC?

Washington DC is the capital of the entire country. It is not the capital of a state.

What is the united sates capital?

Washington DC

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The capital of Washington D.C. is Washington, D.C.

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Rabat is the capital of Morocco, as Washington DC is the capital of the United States.

On which is the capital of Washington D.C.?

Washington DC does not have a capital. It is one city and is the capital city of the United States.

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The capital of the United States is Washington, DC.

What is the capitaker of Washington?

Washington DC IS the national capital of the United States.