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Add isopropyl alchol

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Q: Water instead of gas was put in a truck's gas tank?
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Would you measure the gas in a trucks gas tank in liters or in milliliters?


What happens when you mix bleach with gas?

accidently put half cup bleach in gaqs tank instead of water tank on rv gas tank 3/4 full 30 gals? what will happen and what shoujld i do drain tank

How do you know if you have water in your gas tank?

The only way to know for sure if a person has water in the gas tank is to drain the tank. Usually a car will sputter and die if there is water in the tank.

What happens if you get water in your gas tank?

remove the fuel tank and drain the water

What is water inside tank?

What will happen if water gets inside gas tank

I have a 2006 Toyota Corolya and I believe that I have water in my gas tank but what are the symptoms of water in the gas tank?

skipping stall no start

How can water be changed into a solid or gas?

it well turn into gas and put gas into cars, trucks, ;and others.

How do you know if your lawn mower's gas tank has water inside of it?

bubbles on top of gas in tank

If water get in you gas tank will the gas sink to the bottom?

Water is heavier than gasoline, it will pool at the lowest point of the fuel tank.

How do you drain water in the fuel in a gmc suburban?

Have you tried using gas line antifreeze? That will help to remove some of the water in the gas. The best way to make certain all the water is out of the tank is to siphon the gas out, let the tank air out and re-fill the tank with gas from a station you know does not have water in the gas.

Will water go to bottom of gas tank?

Yes, water is heavier than gas.

What happens if you get water in the gas tank?

depends on how much water if its alot you can do one of two things drain the tank or add alot of dry gas more water more dry gas