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Hydrogen bonds.

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Q: Water molecules are bonded to other water molecules because of the presence of what bonds?
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The boiling temperature of water is so much higher than that of methane because water molecules are what?

Water is polar and is strongly hydrogen bonded.

What is hydrated ions?

Hydrated ions are ions that are surrounded by water molecules in a solution. These water molecules form a shell around the ion, stabilizing it and influencing its chemical behavior in the solution. The presence of hydrated ions is important in various chemical and biological processes.

What bond(s) is (are) disrupted in the presence of water?

Hydrogen bonds are primarily disrupted in the presence of water. Water molecules are capable of breaking the hydrogen bonds between other molecules due to their polar nature, resulting in the dissolution or separation of substances.

Why are polar covalently bonded molecules soluble in water and non polar are not?

Polar covalently bonded molecules like water are able to interact with the polar water molecules through hydrogen bonding, which enhances their solubility. Nonpolar covalently bonded molecules lack this ability to form strong interactions with water molecules, making them insoluble in water.

If Pure covalent compounds are not soluble in water so why sugar dissolves in it?

Sugar dissolves in water because it forms hydrogen bonds with water molecules, allowing it to break apart and disperse throughout the water. This interaction is different from solubility due to the presence of pure covalent compounds which do not form these types of bonds with water molecules.

Are hydrated ions chemically bonded to water molecules?

What is this, I'm 12.

What does 12H2O mean?

12H2O typically refers to a hydrate compound where there are 12 water molecules associated with another compound or element. This notation denotes the presence of water molecules in the compound's structure.

Occurs when ionically bonded electrolytes are added to water?

When ionically bonded electrolytes are added to water, they dissociate into ions due to the polar nature of water molecules. This results in the formation of positive and negative ions in solution, which makes the solution conductive. The presence of these ions allows for the flow of electric current in the solution.

Does sugar dissolve quicker in salt water or soapy water?

Sugar dissolves quicker in soapy water compared to salt water. The soap molecules help break down the sugar crystals more efficiently, allowing for faster dissolving. In salt water, the presence of salt may interfere with the dissolution process of sugar.

How water is connted?

The water is connected by hydrogen bonds. The water molecules are surround by four total of other molecules. They are arranged in hydrogen bonded rings or chains.

What is a chemical reaction where two molecules are bonded with the remival of a water molecule?
