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Water obtained from natural resources does not show neutral pH. What is the reason behind this?
  • The neutral nature of water changes due to its ability to dissociate into H+ and OH- ions.
  • The neutral nature of water changes due to mixing of various salts, bases, and acids, thus changing its pH.
  • The neutral nature of water changes due to mixing of other neutral substances, thus changing its pH.
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Water obtained from Natural Resources may not have a neutral pH due to the presence of dissolved minerals or gases like carbon dioxide. These substances can alter the pH of the water, making it more acidic or basic. Additionally, human activities like mining or industrial processes can also contribute to changes in water pH levels.

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Q: Water obtained from natural resources does not show neutral pH. What is the reason behind this?
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How is charcoal obtained from wood?

Charcoal is obtained from wood by heating it in the absence of oxygen through a process called pyrolysis. This process removes volatile components, leaving behind mostly carbon. The resulting charcoal can then be crushed and processed into different forms for various uses.

How is magnesium obtained from seawater?

Magnesium is obtained from seawater through a process called electrolysis. In this process, seawater is first evaporated to increase the concentration of magnesium salts. Then, an electric current is passed through the concentrated seawater to separate and isolate magnesium metal from other elements.

How do you separate ammonia and saltwater?

One common method to separate ammonia and saltwater is through distillation. By heating the mixture, the ammonia vaporizes and can be collected, leaving behind the saltwater. Another method could be to use a chemical reaction that selectively reacts with one component, leaving the other behind.

What use natural gas to evaporate seawater to make salt?

Natural gas can be used as a fuel source to heat seawater in an evaporation process to create salt. The heat from the natural gas is used to evaporate the water, leaving behind salt crystals which can then be harvested. This process is commonly used in large-scale salt production facilities near coastal areas.

How can solid lead nitrate be obtained from lead nitrate solution?

Solid lead nitrate can be obtained from lead nitrate solution by evaporating the water through a process called crystallization. This involves heating the solution to dryness, allowing the lead nitrate crystals to form as the water evaporates. The crystals can then be filtered and collected to obtain the solid lead nitrate.

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