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· Sea Gull

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Q: Water types that exists on land that start with an S?
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Related questions

Water exists on land as a or and in the air as a?

Water exists on land as a liquid or solid (ice) and in the air as a gas (water vapor).

What is all of the earth's land water and atmosphere within life exists of?

The biosphere

What are the main land and water types of earth?

fresh water, and salt water

How many types dinosaurs lived under the water?

there were no types of water dinosaurs. Diosaurs only lived on land.

What are the main types of transport?

The three main types of transportation are: * water * air * land

Where does a cyclone start - over the land or over the sea?

In the US, a cyclone can only start over land - over the water it is referred to as a water spout.

Where did the alligator start on land or in water?

Both. Long time ago there was a aligator that lived in land and water.

What are the 2 main types of habitat on the earth?

LanD aNd WatER

Do glaciers originate on land?

Yes, glaciers originate on land as a result of compacted snowfall over many years. Over time, the weight of the accumulated snow causes it to compress into ice, forming glaciers.

What types of maps show land and water features?

a map that shows land features and water features is called a physical map

If a land mass is surrounded on all side by water but there exists a land bridge connecting the island to the coastline is it an island or a peninsula?

It would be considered a peninsula if there is a land bridge connecting it to the mainland. An island is typically surrounded by water and not connected by a land bridge.

Does hurricanes start over cold land?

No, hurricanes do not typically form over cold land. They require warm ocean waters to fuel their development and strength. Hurricanes originate as tropical cyclones over warm tropical waters with temperatures typically above 80 degrees Fahrenheit.