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Q: Ways we turn petroleum into energy we can use?
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geothermal energy is used directly for heating and to turn turbines to geberate electrictity.

Why does an energy efficient light bulb use less CO2?

There are different ways to produce energy, but many of them involve burning some substance - for example, petroleum - that produces CO2.

How would you help maximize the the use of energy in our society?

by conserving it, we must not waste the energy , turn off the lights when not in use, and many more ways.

What are ways you use energy?

there are many ways in which we can use energy this includes: :)

What are the ways in conserving fuels?

how can we save fuel ? easy you can easily dont turn on the air condition

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Does petroleum decompose?

Petroleum can decompose only by microorganisms that use it as a source of energy. It can also be transformed into compounds such as water and carbon dioxide.


There are a huge number of ways to conserve petroleum. This are just a few of the major ones.Don't leave lights on when you're not using them, or waste electricity in other ways. A fair portion of electricity is made by burning petroleum, so the less electricity we use, the more petroleum we save.Find ways to save gasoline. These can include walking or cycling, carpooling, or using public transportation. Electric and hybrid cars also save some petroleum (but remember, the electricity they use possibly had to come from a small amount of petroleum).Use products that are made, and foods that are grown and processed locally. Shipping foods and other goods uses up a tremendous amount of fuel. Also, certified organic food products don't use chemicals, whose production uses petroleum.Reduce the amount of packaging that you use by buying products with minimal packaging. This is because packaging is usually made of plastics (which are made of petroleum), and it requires energy (usually from petroleum or coal) to make packaging.

Why is petroleum a non-renewable energy?

because it cannot be replenished when use up.

What are creative ways to save on energy?

To save energy, unplug all of your devices when not in use. This phantom energy accounts for much energy used throughout the year and adds up. Turn off all lights when not in use, and be smart about using the heat, if electric.

How long will petroleum last?

About 70 years. Thus is with the increasing energy use and world popluation.

10 ways on how to conserve energy?

There are many ways that you can conserve energy in your daily life. Walk instead of drive. Eat vegetables instead of meat. Turn of the lights when you aren't in a room. Turn off water when it is not in use. Do not use an air conditioner. Do not grow a grass lawn. Turn off all electronics when not in use. Wear layers instead of using a heater. Eat raw foods that can be kept unrefrigerated, Wash clothes in as large of loads as possible.