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Q: Wbat is one major restriction of gerrymandering?
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Drawing of political boundaries to benefit a party or candidate?

The process of drawing congressional district lines to favor a political party is called gerrymandering. The word comes from the combination of the name Gerry and the word salamander. Gerry was the governor of Massachusetts in 1812 when the congressional districts in his state were redrawn to favor his Democratic-Republican Party. One of the words was said to resemble a salamander.

What is the relationship between apportionment and gerrymandering?

The resulting district apportionment is known as a gerrymander. Gerrymandering is another term for apportionment. (might wanna research this one. idk.)

What is the difference between redistricting and gerrymandering?

gerrymandering is redistricting to where one political party has an advantage over the other, while normal redistricting is just remapping districts.

What year Gerrymandering was outlawed by Wesberry v Sanders?

Wesberry v. Sanders was settled by the Supreme Court in 1964. It didn't outlaw Gerrymandering, it instituted the "one person, one vote" rule which forces all congressional districts have nearly the same population. Gerrymandering hasn't been outlawed.

Why was gerrymandering made illegal?

Gerrymandering is not illegal in this country. Although it definitely has bad ethical and immoral implications, it is still being used in the United States. Gerrymandering deliberately attempts to disenfranchise certain voters and favor one particular political party over the other.

Are there any dietary restrictions in Hinduism?

they do have one major dietary restriction. They don't eat beef (cow) they're believed to be sacred.

Redistricting power was abused creating congressional districts of unequal power and by what?

gerrymandering. Gerrymandering is the practice of drawing districts in a way that benefits a particular political party or group. This can involve packing voters of one party into a single district to reduce their influence in other districts, or cracking voters of one party across multiple districts to dilute their voting power. Gerrymandering undermines the principle of equal representation and can lead to distorted election outcomes.

Illegally drawing district lines to favor one political party is called?


When does gerrymandering happen?

when district lines are drawn in a crazy manner to favor one party

The process of gerrymandering refers to?

Gerrymandering is the process of dividing areas into election districts with the goal of giving one political party majority in more districts. The process was named for E. Gerry who was governor of Massachusetts in 1812.

What is the practice of establishing district lines that favor one political party over the other?


What is the process of redistricting to benefit one political interest at the expense of another is called?

It is called gerrymandering.