

Webcam with minors illegal

Updated: 4/29/2024
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15y ago

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Taking a photo of a minor is not a crime, if by "webcam" you are implying that they are nude. Then yes, it can fall under transmission of Child Pornography and Possession of Child Pornography.

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1mo ago

Recording or broadcasting a webcam with minors without parental consent or for inappropriate purposes is illegal and considered a violation of their privacy rights and child protection laws. It is important to ensure that any interactions or activities involving minors online are done with caution and in compliance with the law.

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Is it illegal for minors to have underage sex in Illinois?

Yes, Illinois has a "Romeo and Juliet" law which allows minors close in age to engage in consensual sexual activity without it being considered a crime. However, it is still illegal for adults to have sexual relations with minors under the age of consent, which is typically 17.

Is it illegal to charge rent to minors in CA?

In California, it is legal to charge rent to minors. However, there may be restrictions and requirements, such as obtaining consent from a minor's legal guardian or parent, depending on the situation and the age of the minor.

Can minors get tattoo with parent signature in Louisiana?

No, in Louisiana, it is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to get a tattoo, even with parental consent. This law is in place to protect minors from potential health risks and the permanency of tattoos.

Is it illegal for a thirteen year old boy to date a nineteen year old girl?

Yes, it is illegal for a thirteen year old boy to date a nineteen year old girl. In most places, there are laws that prohibit sexual relationships between individuals with a significant age difference, especially when one party is a minor. It's important to prioritize the safety and well-being of minors in such situations.

When a 12 year old dates a 14 year old is it illegal?

It depends on the laws in the specific jurisdiction where the individuals are located. Some places have laws that make it illegal for individuals with a significant age difference to engage in a relationship, even if both parties are minors. It is important to be aware of the laws in your area regarding age of consent and relationships between minors.

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Is it illegal to drink alcohol on movie sets?

No it is not illegal unless the actors are minors.

Is it illegal to be nude on a webcam chat in America?

No, it is only illegal if it is a minor under the age of 18.

Is it illegal for minors to have underage sex in Illinois?

Yes, Illinois has a "Romeo and Juliet" law which allows minors close in age to engage in consensual sexual activity without it being considered a crime. However, it is still illegal for adults to have sexual relations with minors under the age of consent, which is typically 17.

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Kissing is never illegal. Sex with minors is illegal.

In Illinios is it illegal for tow minors to have intercourse?

You have to be 17 to have sex there.

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no, it is still illegal regardless of your age

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It is illegal for minors to purchase tobacco products.

Is it illegal to accept money from minors?

It will depend on what reason it was given for.

In Illinois is it illegal for tow minors to have intercourse?

You have to be 17 to have sex there.

Why is white out illegal?

White out is not illegal. It is simply a correction fluid used to cover mistakes made in handwriting or typing. However, its use can be restricted in certain settings, such as academic exams, to prevent cheating or tampering with written work.