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Hello. Early pregnancy symptoms does feel like AF cramping. Yes your levels are good. Good luck with the test.

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Q: Went for pregnancy test this morning but you feel like af is coming lower bachache cramps and headache Progesterone level is 66.1 and Estrogen level is 308 is this a good sign?
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Does you body hurt during pregnancy?

Yes, stomach cramps, headache etc., but remember, every pregnancy is different.

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sounds like pregnancy

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Headache is not a symptom of pregnancy.

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Yes. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your period

Can you have cold like symptoms like stuffy nose and headache as pregnancy symptoms?

YES it can be. Higher amounts of estrogen during pregnancy can contribute to swelling in the mucous membranes lining the nose and even cause you to make more mucus. What's more, the amount of blood in your body increases during pregnancy, which may cause swelling in the tiny blood vessels in the lining of your nose and congestion in the surrounding tissue. Other hormones may also play a role.

If you have nausea head ace stomach and back cramps could that mean pregnancy?

Yes if you have cramps, backache, nausea and headache , these are signs of pregnancy.

Could your girlfriend be pregnant if she has a headache and is not feeling good?

This is a good sign of pregnancy.. Good Luck

Are you pregnant you have headach everyday and im on depo?

Headache is not a sign of pregnancy. Depo is a highly effective method. If you think you could be pregnant, take a pregnancy test.

If your period delay and you experienced nausea and headache does it mean your pregnant?

Answer: Take a test, nausea can be a sign of pregnancy. Use a condom and avoid the worries.

Is Headache and fever in 8 week of pregnancy normal?

yes i had it with my baby girl its completely normal you'll get it alot