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Political opponents and dissidents were sent to concentration camps. Also, homsexuals and 'anti-social elements'.

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Q: Were Germans sent to concentration camps and why?
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Related questions

What rules did it take for Germans to be sent to concentration camps?

Treason, homosexuality, moneylaundering, fraternizing with enemy,

How did the Germans who hid Jews get caught?

They either shot and killed them on the spot or sent them to concentration camps.

What jobs did the Germans do in concentration camps?

The Germans in the concentration camps were mostly responsible for security, they were the guards and the executioners.

Where were jews sent prior to concentration camps?

They were sent to ghettos prior to the Concentration Camps...

What did the Nazis do to separate Jews from the rest of the Germans?

they made the Jews wear the star of David and sent them to concentration camps

Where did the Germans house soldiers or the Jewish people the Germans captured?

The people captured by the Nazis were sent to concentration camps. If they did not send you to a concentration camp they would send you to a labour camp. Often they were sent to a 'transit camp' first, till there were enough people for a train-load to a concentration camp. You see in the camps you were not allowed to talk about how wrong the Nazis were because, they felt that after getting rid of them they would finally have a perfect world. But what does perfect actually mean? Figure that out.

Who invented German concentration camps?


Why didn't the Germans kill Anne Frank?

They did. Her family was found and sent to concentration camps. Her father is the only one to survive the war.

Did Germans live close to concentration camps?

yes they lived close to the camps

How did Germans get to concentration camps?

they rode electric scooters

What did Germans call concentration camps?

=== === They called them Konzentrationslager.

How many families were sent to the concentration camps during the Holocaust?

around 8 million families were sent to concentration camps in the holocaust and in which few made it out alive. ____ The number of individuals sent to concentration and extermination camps was lower than this ...