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In some ways they were, and in some ways they weren't. Stalin, first of all, killed 40 million people, and Hitler killed about ten million people. Stalin killed people through agricultural and industrial production; he raised the quota on agricultural production, which caused a famine, resulting in 14.5 million people dying. The others were assassinated. Stalin was constantly paranoid and killed anyone whom he suspected of betrayal. He also killed many people during WWII trying to fight Germany because Hitler broke their pact and ambushed the Soviet Union (the territory Stalin was in power of). In other words, Stalin killed in careless use of war and famine. He was condemned of the action of genocide, which is what Hitler and he have in common. Hitler was considered more of a genocide killer (genocide is a planned and thought out method of killing a mass number of people). He dreamed of a "perfect nation" where everyone was alike. Jews, incurables (handicapped), homosexuals, and anyone against Hitler were placed in concentration camps in which they were tortured and killed. This was called the Holocaust, and cannot be explained in one simple paragraph; what Hitler did was the most cruel act known to man, and the Holocaust will always live in infamy. To answer the question, Stalin's killings were not as genocidal but were much more massive in number. Hitler was more of a racist person, who wanted to execute anyone that didn't fit his status of a perfect nation.

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Q: Were Stalin's and Hitler's ways of killing different?
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What statement about women and African-Americans during the Civil War is true?

they were given numerous oppurtunities to help in the war effoetthey helped the war with effort in anyway-apexThey helped the war effort in many different ways.They helped the war effort in many different ways.

What is a good conclusion for World War 2?

This can be taken many ways. The worse form of killing people of being different. It was the worse war of any war. It taught Germany and the world that if you think any politician won't do what they say. Hitler wrote mien kamft also he has a second book. He said what he planned to do. And did it.

How did survivors respond to the World after the Holocaust?

Not only did different people respond in different ways, but people were treated differently also.

Who was Joseph Goebbels?

He was one of Hitlers closest associates and was a strong follower of the Nazi party. He worked with the Nazi party and helped them gain support in Berlin. HE was minister of propaganda (ideas and ways to gain publicity and votes etc) He was important in gaining all the seats they did in the reichstag (parliment)

What was the result of the anschluss?

Anschluss was achieved in several different ways. Hitler was not going to make the same mistake he made in 1934. So by 1938, Hitler was allied with Mussolini. Also, Mussolini was occupied with the Spanish civil war, so unlikely to help Austria if Hitler did invade. Once Hitlers troops had marched into Austria, Hitler held a plebiscite (a vote). 99.75% of the Austrian population voted for a union with Germany. This is how Hitler achieved Anschluss

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