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It began in 508 BCE under the leadership of Cleisthenes.

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Q: Were The Beginnings Of Democracy Seen In Athens A Little More Than 400 B.C?
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The beginnings of democracy were seen in Athens a little more than 400 B.C.?

It began in 508 BCE under the leadership of Cleisthenes.

Where did paradox of democracy come from?

It came from Greece or to be more accurate Athens.

Birthplace of democracy?

Athens, Greece is often credited as the birthplace of democracy. It is where the concept of direct democracy, with citizens actively participating in decision-making processes, originated in the 5th century BC.

How were ancient Sparta and ancient Athens different?

Ancient Sparta focused more on military achievements and ancient Athens thought more of academic knowledge. Athens were a democracy and Sparta was an oligarchy

Why did Athens become democracy?

It is not clear why democracy started in Athens. Some attribute the start of democratic leadership to Solon in the 6th century stating that he wanted to give his people more power and voice in the government.

What were pericles' three goals for Athens?

(1) to strengthen athenian democracy(2) to hold and strngthen the empire (3)to glorify Athens

What was the form of government in Athens during the golden age under Pericles?

Radical Democracy, The Golden Age was funded by the funds levied from the 180 city-states which were part of Athens' empire.

What type of government was Pericles?

Pericles was not a democracy. Pericles was a statesman in Athens and was considered today as a general. Pericles did not make Democracy. The people of Greece did.

What are Sparta and Athens differences?

Unlike Spartans, Athenians were more interested in building a democracy than building a military force.

Why did some Athenians benefit more from democracy than other?

Athens was a democracy but not all citizens had an active vote. Most citizens including slaves, women, and the poor did not have a say in the democratic process.

Was Sparta military better than Athens?

Athens was a democracy and had more liberal (for that time) thinking and had good navy. Sparta was a oligarchy was more conservative and militaristic and had great army. In the war between them (Peloponnesian war), Sparta won.

How did democracy develop and work in Athens?

Democracy developed in the ancient Greek city-state of Athens through the general will of the citizens and also the intentional effort of such dynamic individuals as Solon and Pericles, among others. It was both a direct- and a limited-democracy, with each full citizen having access to the functions and decision-making power of the society yet, at the same time, with only a small percentage of the overall population meriting the rights of full citizenship.