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Q: Were did coulumbus think he had landed when he reached the Bahamas?
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When did Columbus think he had landed when he reached the Bahamas?


Where did Columbus think he had landed when he had reached the Bahamas?

Columbus thought he was in the East Indies. Thus he called the native people Indians

When Columbus reached Cuba were did he think he was?

He reached the Bahamas and thought he had reached India.

Where did Columbus think he had landed when he reached the Americas?

In New England

What is the place historians believe Columbus reached first?

They think the Bahamas

What is the name of the historians believe Columbus reached first?

AnswerHistorians think that Columbus first reached the Bahamas.

What is the name of the place historians believe Columbus reached first?

AnswerHistorians think that Columbus first reached the Bahamas.

Where did Columbus think he had reached when he reached the Bahamas?

Columbus thought he was in the East Indies. Thus he called the native people Indians

What year was it when Columbus landed on America?

nah nah nah nah nah. Just Kidding. answer:1472 i think anonymous

Why did Columbus think he reached Asia when he landed in the Americas?

He miscalculated the size of the earth by more than half.

Where did Columbus think he had landed when he reched the Bahamas?

Columbus thought he was in the East Indies. Thus he called the native people Indians

How has farming helped the Bahamas?

Not that much.I think tourism helping Bahamas.